Dies ist die interne Website der DACH30 Austauschgruppe.

DACH30 ist eine Gruppe von Agilisten in deutschsprachigen Großkonzernen.

Sie trifft sich 3-4 mal jährlich; darüber hinaus haben sich inzwischen einige Untergruppen zu verschiedenen Themen gebildet.

The Book of Agile

(English only)

Leading large corporations towards enterprise agility
An executive’s view

Most people in the corporate world agree that flexibility and agility are essential capabilities in today’s more dynamic and less predictable business environment. Digitalization is accelerating the need for organizational structures and processes that are capable of responding fast to changes.

Modern business approaches leverage the knowledge pool of Agile, Lean and Systems Thinking to achieve business agility. Agile organizations are profoundly different in comparison to traditional organizations – not only regarding the development of customer solutions but also in regards to corporate management and internal workflows.

Well established companies are often afraid to update their operating systems for increased agility in the face of abandoning the key practices and thinking that supported their growth in the past. This seems to be especially challenging for large scale corporations.

Obviously, there will not be any universal “Lean-Agile operating system” that runs on all “enterprise hardware systems”. The operating system needs to be developed specifically in the context of each company. But some patterns can be observed which appear to make a successful implementation of agility more likely.

Large enterprises face specific challenges to integrate agile principles into their processes, governance systems and company culture.

The Book of Agile is about the challenges of these enterprises.